
Frequently Asked Questions: School Edition

(courtesy of Mayson and Laura Morrissey)


Why does the staff need to raise support?

One of the primary purposes for VCS's existence is to be a support to the missionary community in and around Vienna. If the school paid a salary to the staff they would have to pay 140% of that amount in taxes to the government (10,000 becomes 24,000). That combined cost would push tuition costs way beyond what the missionaries could afford.

Even amongst the non-missionary community VCS reaches out to those that don't have a ton of money. Many, many students come from families that can't afford the other English speaking schools. They come to the school because it is affordable and it is in English. While at VCS they hear the Gospel and see our lives and hopefully come to know our Lord.


Isn't Austria a Christian nation?

Actually, no. Protestant Christianity has never had a foothold in Austria. In Austria's history Protestant Christianity was consistently annihilated by the Catholic church. There are now the beginnings of God moving in Austria and, as a pastor we know has said, there are things happening now in Austria that have never happened in its history.

Also, the ministry of the school extends beyond the Austrian community and reaches into the international community. It's not just Austrians who are being impacted by VCS. We have students from approximately 30 countries represented in the student body. We're impacting their lives while they're here in Vienna.


Why do non-Christians go to a Christian school?

There are two main answers to this question. The first is that for many of them we're the only English speaking school they can afford. It's either VCS or the Austrian Schools for them, and the international population would rather be in English speaking schools. Since VCS is staffed by missionaries the school is able to be even more flexible with the already low tuition cost for those in real need. While not the most ideal way to draw students, most of them after being at VCS for a while really like it.

Which leads me into the second answer which is that VCS is just plain different from any of the other schools in Vienna. Non-Christians see the love and care the staff extends to the students; it's not something they've ever seen in a school before, and they like it. This year (2005) in particular we've had a significant jump in the number of kids transferring into VCS from other schools in Vienna. The word is getting out; we care about our students, so new students are coming.


What about academics?

Personally I think the academics at the school are pretty strong. There is a slew of AP courses (English, History, German, Calculus, Computer Programming), computer classes, Economics, Government, Music, Art, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Genetics, etc. Bible classes are required for all grades from Kindergarten on up. Almost all of our students do go on to college in the States or somewhere else in the world.


Is education really ministry?

YES! Education opens doors that you wouldn't believe. Parents are passionate about their kids and will do whatever they can to give their child a better shot at life. By being an affordable,  quality, "American" style school, we draw in people who would never darken the door of a church because we're the best school they can send their kids to. That's why we have Muslims who send their kids to VCS. That's why we have Atheists sending their kids to VCS. Education brings people into contact with us so that through our lives and our words they might come to know our Lord and Savior.


What types of ministry are the missionary parents doing?


You name it they're doing it. Pastors, evangelists, church planters, pastoral training, Bible/Christian resource translation, refugee outreach, music ministry, Christian radio,  etc. They're ministering all over Austria and all over Europe.  Many of these people would not be on the field if VCS was not there to serve their education needs; even among those who would not be off the field, many would have their ministry negatively effected if VCS was not there, either because of the need to home school or the extra work of dealing with the Austrian system.


Sure must be nice living in Vienna!

Admittedly, when I have a break it's wonderful and I love living here. There are lots of wonderful things to see and do here. Those of you who teach in the States know how much time and effort it takes to teach. Add to that the ministry to the students outside the classroom and the extra work it takes to do basic living here and it's exhausting. I'm constantly amazed by how much longer it takes to do things here compared to the States. I'm also living in a modern city that speaks a different language, which is definitely a challenge. Especially with my German! Plus it also means that I have to raise a lot more support than if I was ministering in a poorer country. While I may not be living in a mud hut with no electricity, I still have my fair share of difficulties.

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Page Last Updated: January 7, 2006