Support Me

Some Ways You Can Support Me


Serving the Lord here does not come without challenges. I depend on the prayers of friends and family to give me the strength and wisdom to teach and reach out to the kids I work with. If you would like to receive regular prayer updates, please email me.


One of the challenges that every teacher at this school faces is the prospect of raising their entire salary. As you can imagine, this is not an easy task as raising and maintaining a support base takes a lot of time and effort. Even a contribution of $15 or $20/month makes a difference.

Make checks out to RCE, INTL. and write my account number #0912 in the memo line.
Mail all checks to the following address :
RCE, Intl.
P.O.Box 4528
Wheaton, IL 60189


For me, the greatest encouragement often arrives in my mailbox or even my email inbox. Even a short note warms my heart and brings a smile to my lips.

Care Packages

There are many American things that you cannot get over here, and it's always nice to receive a piece of home in the mail. Some ideas of things to put in a care package are:

  • Cake and Brownie mixes
  • Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa
  • Kraft Mac and Cheese
  • Grahman Crackers
  • Red Vines
  • Taco Seasoning packets
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Instant Oatmeal
  • Anything else you thing I might like

It's much cheaper to send your box surface mail and just plan on me getting it six weeks later.  Airmail gets here much faster, but it's significantly more expensive.  When filling out the customs form, it's very important to mark the box as a gift.  Also, in the space where you list the contents, it's better to give a general description, like "groceries" or "cute clothes " instead of listing out every individual thing.  Finally, don't inflate the value of the items; a really expensive box is a red flag for customs.


You can send your box to me at school:

Matt Klein

Vienna Christian School

Wagramerstrasse 175/Panethgasse 6a

A-1220 Wien

Austria (Europe)


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Page Last Updated: January 7, 2006