All week at school the staff(well some of us) has been celebrating Pleated Pants/Short Sleeve Button-Down Shirt Appreciation Week. Yeah we’re a little weird, but it works.
Today we capped off the week with Win Win Win Day. Why Win Win Win day, you ask?
Let’s start off with a lesson in fashion. Whenever you’re wearing a tie, you always have to ask, “What wins?” Does your shirt win or your tie win? Which one is more dominant? One needs to win. Win Win Win Day is about everyone winning: The shirt, the tie, and you. Win win win.
Pictured are just a few of us demonstrating how to win win win.
After being shown our picture the 3rd grade class was instructed to tell us, “Heiße Beine”(“Hot legs” auf Deutsch), whenever they encountered any of us in the hall. This accounted for several hilarious incidents involving the entire 3rd grade class.
Also, the quote of the day was, “You guys put the schön in fashion.” Yes. Yes, we do.
For those of you still a little hazy on the origins of Win Win Win Day, the below video should help.
I like how the one guy’s sneakers are gleaming.