Tonight we studied the second half of Obadiah. It talks about how Edom is going to be destroyed both because of their pride and the fact that they stood by while Israel suffered. The verse that stuck out to me was verse 12:
“You should not look down on your brother
in the day of his misfortune,
nor rejoice over the people of Judah
in the day of their destruction,
nor boast so much
in the day of their trouble.”
I have been struggling so hard with the desire to see God teach lessons to others that I believe have something to learn. Of course, there are a plethora of verses to warn me against this, but this is the one that is making an impact at the moment. Why do I desire to see others learn hard lessons? Why do I take delight in the thought of another person being brought to their knees? Why does it make me so angry at God when I think someone needs to change and I don’t see it happening?
I feel that the only thing I can do now is pray that whatever lesson the Lord has for me in this is a lesson I learn quickly and learn well. I pray that what I learn is grace for others and trust in God to deal with each of us in the way that He knows is best because only He knows the best way.