I hope you like the new design here. It may still undergo some changes, but we’re excited to get the ball rolling with our new blog. Tricia and I have joined our lives together, and now we join our blogs together. You know what they say: The family the blogs together stays together….or something like that.
Here is the first edition of the VCS News Network. Every other week or so, my videography class is putting together a news segment to show in Chapel. This year I am working with a group of kids who have no experience with videography, so the learning curve is steep, but I think there’s a lot of potential here. I’m really proud of the progress we’ve made so far. Some of them are already using green screen! Enjoy!
Just FYI. The feed links in your page point to some random blog that isn’t in English. So, when I tried to subscribe to your page by clicking the little feed icon in my address bar, I couldn’t. The link at the bottom of the page, however, seems to work.
ummm, i’m not sure i like the new design. i miss the grey background that looked like a robot put it together. can we do away with cuteness and go for uniformity?
Thanks for the tip. They problem should be fixed now. This is what I get for trying to edit php when I don’t really know what I’m doing.