We are so excited to be coming to the States for a few weeks. We’d love to see all of you. Here’s our itinerary so far. Please join us if you can!
June 15: Arrive in San Diego & eat at In-N-Out – YUMMM!
June 15-20: In Idyllwild helping get the wedding of the summer ready to go
June 20: Derrick & Desire’e get married – Wahoo!
June 21: Church at Idyllwild Community Presbyterian
June 23-25: Santa Barbara
June 23: Meet & Greet at Shoreline Park, 4:00-7:00pm
June 24: Home Group with the Guptas
June 28: Church at Idyllwild Community Presbyterian
June 29: Arrive in Tampa
July 3: Arrive in Philadelphia
July 4: Phillies’ Game – Fireworks & Baseball 🙂
July 5: Church at Woodland Presbyterian
July 6: Arrive in Tampa
July 8: Leave for Vienna
Guptas are excited to have you at Homegroup. Happy Birthday Matt – hope the drugs are working (to get over your surgery). See you in a couple weeks! Ramon, Annie and Caleb