This is at least the third post I’ve written saying that my goal is to get back to photography. Third times a charm, right? I have had the most wonderful reason for being away, though.
This is at least the third post I’ve written saying that my goal is to get back to photography. Third times a charm, right? I have had the most wonderful reason for being away, though.
One of the best things about living back in the US is being around for family events. Last week, we got to celebrate our niece’s first birthday. Isn’t she the cutest?
As our life begins to settle, I’m finally finding more time to spend with my camera. Yay! This means I can start doing some of my favorite things again, like participating in the I Heart Faces monthly challenges. This month’s challenge is “In the Distance.” This photo is actually from a few months ago when my parents visited, but it’s one of my favorites because it has my three favorite people in it.
Check out the rest of the “In the Distance” photos here:
Last week I had a wonderful visit from my dear friend, Melissa. She was in town for a work trip, but was kind enough to make some time to hang out with Matt and me. Melissa was in need of some new head shots for her business, so in between chatting about life and trying to save the world, we headed out for a photo shoot. She is a beauty inside and out, this one.
Melissa is a wildly talented children’s ministry consultant. If you are involved in children’s ministry, I highly recommend getting to know her. You can read about what she does on her website, Facebook, and Twitter.
It was super fun to be home for Easter this year. Dying Easter eggs is way more fun with a toddler.
A few weekends ago, we took a nice little drive up to Cachuma Lake. My sweet husband came prepared with a book because he knew we’d be stopping to take some wildflower pictures. It was a beautiful day for a drive and a nice way to get out of the house for a bit.
A few weeks ago, my parents came up for a visit. We went to the butterfly preserve and spent some time walking on the beach. It’s so nice to be living close enough to be able to visit without travelling for 24 hours.
Wow. Moving across continents is a crazy business. With our lives in limbo for the last six months, photography definitely took a back seat. We did finally get cell phones about two months ago. This is the first time I’ve owned a smart phone, and I’ve been having a great time playing with some of the fun photo apps out there. My favorites so far are Instagram and Flickr. I like Instagram for the social aspect, but I think I actually like Flickr’s editing options better. Here are some of my favorite phone shots so far. If you have any suggestions for fun photo apps, I’d love to hear them!
What do you do when it’s hot and kids don’t want their pictures taken anymore? Bribe them, of course. The genius of this plan is that they are happy, and you can get some cute pictures with ice cream. Joy all around.
I’ve been spending all my energy on saying good-byes and packing up our lives. It’s time to take a little break to do something fun.
This past weekend I had the joy of taking pictures for some friends. They actually purchased this photoshoot at a senior class fundraiser in the fall. Being that this is Vienna, however, it’s taken until now to have decent enough weather to enjoy being outside taking family pictures. I had a blast hanging out with them. I’m sure going to miss these smiles next year. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!
Taking pictures of the people and places I love brings me great joy. I've found that using my lens to look for beauty in the everyday has helped me to see beauty more clearly when viewing the world without a lens.
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