I think the hardest part of getting back into blogging for me is deciding where to start. I’ve missed so much that I’ve been meaning to write about that I get overwhelmed thinking about how I can possibly catch up with everything. So in the end I just
decide that I need to let those things go and start where I am now.
Last week was Spiritual Emphasis Week at VCS, which means we have special guest speakers come and have chapel everyday. Pictured are the three speakers who came over to speak to our kids with the theme, Direction Determines Destination. They did a great job of challenging our kids to strengthen their relationship in Christ, which real practical ideas. Also they presented the gospel in a manner that challenged our non-Christian students to think more deeply about accepting Christ into their lives. Just today I heard from a fellow teacher of a student who accepted Christ as a result of last week’s messages.
Please continue to pray that God will continue to challenge the way our students think about Jesus. Whether they are believers or not I desire them to see Christ in a new light, and one that draws them closer to Him.