I’m currently on my second sick day in four years in Vienna. I had a 101.8 fever on Monday, though I somehow made it through the school day. Barely. For my last class, I just gave out the assignments with minimal explanation and told them to read the book and work in groups. I promised we’d go over questions on another day.
I have spent the last few days between my bed and the bathroom, trying desperately to keep hydrated. It’s probably a bad sign that I’ve started thinking a bed pan is a good idea.
Apparently I’m in good company too, as 6 staff and almost 50 kids were out sick yesterday. 50 kids is almost a fourth of our enrollment!
I’m not really sure what happened. I mean, it’s been more than a week since I last ate a hot dog off the ground.
Though my roommate is taking good care of me, he is also gloating over the fact he has avoided this outbreak by getting a flu shot. That’s his theory, at least. I am half-tempted to lick his toothbrush as a test of his all-powerful flu shot, but that would just be mean. “How’s your flu shot working now?”