No this isn’t a spinoff of Diagnosis: Murder, and it doesn’t star Dick Van Dyke or Scott Baio (sadly). Oh, Scott Baio, where have you gone?
This is the official diagnosis for my shoulder handed down by my orthopedic. I still have not succeeded in properly saying that word, but I guess that doesn’t really matter so long as my insurance company can figure it out.
In English this means I have a rupture or tear in my left rotator cuff. Specifically the tear is in the Supraspinatus muscle (see picture). And that will end our science lesson for today.
My orthopedic recommended surgery and we’ve scheduled it for this coming Friday. I will be admitted to the hospital Thursday afternoon, surgery will be Friday morning and I should be discharged sometime on Saturday.
In the US this would almost definitely be outpatient surgery, but I’m not sure outpatient surgery exists in Austria. I guess that’s just one of the perks of the medical system here.
I would appreciate it if you would keep me in your prayers this week.
sorry to hear about the upcoming hospital visit and surgery; but hope that it is a success and that you’re back to feeling better soon!
You know. For a German medical term that actually seems pretty short. My prayers will be with you…hope recovery goes well.