So, last year I set this goal for myself to learn how to bake one new kind of bread each month. I learned how to make scones (yummy, yummy scones, actually) and that was it. This year I’m starting over. This year I’m going to make it happen. Since I’ve always been a teacher, I view September as the beginning of the year, so here it is – the first Bread of the Month (BOTM).
In September, I learned how to make Easy No Knead Wheat Bread from the More-with-Less cookbook. The bread is really easy and really yummy. It makes delicious toast and is so good that Matt and I actually just grab chunks and eat it plain. It also freezes really well, so it’s not a problem that the recipe makes two huge loaves. It’s a bit crumbly, however, so it’s not the best if you want to make sandwiches.
I added 3 Tablespoons of flaxseed to the recipe. You know, ’cause it’s healthy and will supposedly lower our blood pressure.
Easy No Knead Wheat Bread from More-with-Less page 58
Combine in large mixer bowl:
3 Cups whole wheat flour
1/2 Cup sugar
2 Tablespoons salt
3 packages dry yeast
(3 Tablespoons flaxseed)
Heat in saucepan until very warm (120°-130°F/60°-65°C):
2 Cups water
2 Cups milk
1/2 Cup oil
Add to dry ingredients:
warmed liquids
2 eggs
Blend at low speed until moistened. Beat 3 minutes at medium speed. (I did all of this by hand and it was fine.) Stir in by hand:
5-6 Cups white flour
Use enough flour to form a stiff batter. Cover and let rise until double. Stir down and spoon into 2 greased 9×5 inch bread pans. let rise 20-30 minutes. Bake at 375°F (190°C) for 35-40 minutes.
This bread looks amazing! Did you take these pictures yourself along the way? If so, I think you could have a future career in recipe book photography! You should consider it….
You, my dear Liz, are very sweet. 🙂