The bread of the month for February was Beer Bread. I wasn’t really sure how I’d feel about this bread because, well, I kind of think beer is gross. However, I’ve heard good things about beer bread, so I gave it a whirl. Turns out beer bread is really yummy. Also, beer bread might be the easiest bread in the world to make. I got the recipe from Honest Fare. She even gives you a printable recipe here: Beer Bread. It literally took mere minutes to make this bread. It’s sweet with just a hint of beer flavor. I took Honest Fare’s recommendation and ate it with a little freshly ground pepper. Yummy! Later in the evening Matt and our friend Whitney couldn’t stop themselves and they ate the whole top half of the bread. Yes, that’s right, the top half. They scalped the poor thing, but it was confirmation for me that this bread is worth making again. 🙂
oh man,
I haven’t looked up Klein’s blog in forever and when I finally do I realize what i’m missing out on! Who would have ever thought it???? BEER + BREAD.
combining 2 of God’s richest blessings – now if it goes good with coffee we’ve combined all 3.
I”m saving that to my delicious acct. for sure. Guess i”ll have to wait till i’m in Canada to make it though.