So I’ve now finished year 2 of my 3 year Master’s program, and am enjoying a couple of days to myself in Vienna before I head back to the US. I enjoyed my time in Plymouth hanging out with friends from last year and learning a few things in my classes. Though the weather was mostly cold and rainy, there were a few pokes of sunshine and even some really nice days the last week when I was holed up in my room trying to finish all my work. I’m already looking forward to next year.
One thing that I noticed upon exploring the summer scene in Vienna is that things are a lot cheaper here. I normally wouldn’t have noticed, but living in England for a month I got used to thinking about prices being double in dollars. For instance, if I bought a value meal at McDonald’s for 4.5 Pounds, I was really spending $9 on a meal. In Austria, if I spend 4.5 Euro on a McDonald’s meal, it only costs me $6.25. What a savings!
So I’m looking forward to being back in the US for a few weeks where I don’t instinctively do math in my head to think about how much I’m really spending on something….or cringe when I figure it out.