Spirit Week at VCS is a bit different than the one you may remember from high school. Typically Spirit Week is the week of the Homecoming football game. Here, well, we don’t have football…ok, we do, but it’s what you silly Americans might call soccer. We do still have the dance at the end of the week.
So during Spirit Week we had a Geek Day where everyone dressed up like a Geek. Being the computer teacher, I had to go all out. Or as someone else put it, “I guess you do have try a bit harder today because you’re a geek everyday.”
Here I am pictured with a middle schooler from Pakistan. If you’d like to see a few more pictures from Geek Day, you can click over to my new Flicker feed in the right sidebar. I plan on updating my new Flickr page with more pictures in the near future, so be sure to check back.